Thursday 24 July 2014

Aloe Farm

On Tuesday, the grades 2 and 3 visited Aloe Farm which is next door to Amano. Here are some of their reports:

When I went to Aloe Farm I saw some fruits and a lot of vegetables and the whole class saw vegetables in tents. They were in there because they are having too much sun. There were strawberries, oranges, carrots, lemons, butter nut squash, egg plants, onions, and lychees. They put manure to help it grow nicely and quickly. Tomatoes grow on sticks because the tomatoes should not fall down so the people who grow tomatoes tie them to sticks. The water pump pumps the water to the fruits and vegetables.
Natasha Chalwe, Grade 2.

We saw impwa and tomatoes, some butternut squash, well there was only one because the rest were harvested. There was an eggplant near the tomatoes and the vegetables were on furrows and we went to the dam too. They were building a bigger dam but they can’t build it now because they haven’t got permission from the government. There was a pump by the dam. At the end we got strawberries.
Kukenga Chitambala, Grade 3.

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